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A new and unique career pathway into the Australian Investment Markets. Develop the skills, get noticed and exceed expectations.

Get noticed

Showcase your skills and ambition with xceeda graduate programs putting your profile in front of the hiring managers of Australia’s leading independent Investment Banks, Corporate Advisory and Private Equity firms.

Find out more about our training programs for Financial Insitutions and Aspiring Professionals here.

Contract Interns

University Students in their penultimate year of study.
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Graduate Analyst

Australian university graduates within 18 months of graduation.
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Industry Associate

Industry Professionals looking to transition in the Investment Markets.
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Exceed expectations

Showcase your skills and ambition with xceeda graduate portal, linking graduate talent with hiring managers of Australia’s leading independent Investment Banks, Corporate Advisory and Financial Institutions.





Student testimonials

Savannah Howard

Fusce ullamcorper eget turpis vitae congue. Etiam id enim et lacus feugiat aliquet a id ex. Curabitur rhoncus, augue sit amet facilisis pharetra, lorem lacus semper lacus, sed varius ante tellus scelerisque mauris. Aenean vel pulvinar orci. Maecenas bibendum, lectus non tincidunt convallis, nisl dolor ullamcorper velit, quis eleifend leo ex sed justo.

Savannah Howard

Student & Employee at Aeona

Brandon Wilson

Fusce ullamcorper eget turpis vitae congue. Etiam id enim et lacus feugiat aliquet a id ex. Curabitur rhoncus, augue sit amet facilisis pharetra, lorem lacus semper lacus, sed varius ante tellus scelerisque mauris. Aenean vel pulvinar orci. Maecenas bibendum, lectus non tincidunt convallis, nisl dolor ullamcorper velit, quis eleifend leo ex sed justo. Sed condimentum ligula urna, eu suscipit lacus accumsan sed.

Brandon Wilson

Student & Employee at IBM

John Doe

Erat eu augue ullamcorper metus elementum mattis arcu diam in venenatis nibh lorem maecenas id sit ultricies sollicitudin pretium, at suscipit lobortis a ornare sit quis quis vulputate lacus nisi risus donec ac nunc massa viverra ligula.

John Doe

Student & Employee at CNN
